This is devastating. I'm grieving for Mark.

Really hard hitting writing, great work!

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Ventilators, i personally knew one woman who was given one and Remdesivir. I heard she was in the hospital for Covid, had also heard the protocol was deadly. I told her ex and best friend to make sure she wasn’t given that medication. He called his daughter who had her admitted and she called him a conspiracy theorist. A week later she was dead and the daughter was answering to the rest of her family why she approved a request to put her on a ventilator. I’ve heard 99% of those with Covid died when put on a ventilator.

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How to deal with this infinite sadness? I read the things you tell here and it breaks my heart every time. Specially when you tell us about these people's childhoods. Who can be so cruel to a child? How can one not just die of love and yearn to protect a child that has nowhere to go? I mourn Mark, but I specially mourn the child he was and the one he could have been, had he been given the chance. I sometimes think about adopting a child no one wants, as if in loving that one child one could save the millions that are not loved out there. I don't even know why I am writing this here, it's just that I read Mark's story and I had to come to cry for him somewhere.

Thank you.

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Hey Ana

Thank you for such a thoughtful, emotional comment. You’re right to say loving one child saves millions. It’s like the old Jewish saying from the Torah, he who saves one life saves the world over… So you love your children and create good people. It’s the only way to make the world a better place.

And I celebrate Mark’s character. To take care of your brother at 8 years old with nothing. To show him love when you’ve had none. To sacrifice for him…. To, in spite of everything, refuse to be a victim and change your life and path… to be loyal and funny and good in the face of a childhood full of trauma… it’s a miracle, magic, a triumph of the human spirit… and should give us hope, inspiration and joy and gratitude… Don’t mourn. Celebrate.

Life ain’t fair and luck can be cruel. But how lucky are we to know there are Mark’s in the world? And how damn lucky am I to have been friends with him?

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Wow, how much beauty in these words. How much love. I will celebrate and I will tell my children about Mark and his extraordinary qualities.

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I’m sorry that you lost your good friend. His story is gut wrenching and heartbreaking. Screw Covid. The final lines: why wasn’t it someone else? feel brutally honest. A valid question. Losing a loyal friend hits hard. Thank you for writing about the memory of your heroic friend.

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I read that whole thing worried about where it was headed. :(

RIP Mark

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